The cross can represent good and bad to some of the people of Umuofia. In this case, the cross represents the chi. Also known as the personal god of people. The chi determines whether the person is good or bad or whether the decision or choice their making is good or bad. When the person says yes to something, usually the chi will say yes in return. The chi judges a man by the works of his hands. If the man works hard and is honest and provides for the family then he will usually get a yes in return. On the other hand, if the man doesnt do what is expected from him and does what one should not do, he should expect a no from the personal god.


 There is also a bad meaning of the picture above to some of the people of Umuofia. This picture could also symbolize the change from the outcasts that have come into their world. They are changing the way they live and their religion by building a church in the Evil Forest. Okonkwo thought that they would do no harm and wouldnt want to stay if they gave them the land that no one wanted. He gave the Evil Forest to the missionaries who then decided to make use of it by building their Christian Church their. Instead the church made some people interested in their teachings. Nwoye for example, Okonkwos son, left Okonkwo and didnt want to see him again because he was on Christian grounds. He decided that he wanted to learn to read and write so he could work with poems. The Christian teachings helped with some of the people and some did not like it at all like Okonkwo. He did not want change to come.

 This cave is where the Oracle lives. The Oracle is known as Agbala. Agbala told the people what the future held for them. The people would enter the dark cave so they couldnt see anything and would consult the spirits about their issues but only the priestess beheld Agbala. Many of the people had fear of his power. Fire was the will, the heart of the fire. People would go to the Oracle from far and near and went when there was misfortune in their steps or when they had a fight with their neighbors. Agbala discovered what the future held for them or consulted the spirits of their departed fathers. When they seeked for help, they would crawl on their belly and found themselves in complete darkness. No one has ever beheld Agbala except th priestess. They crawled in with strength, then when they crawled out they would have great fear of his power. Sometimes a man would ask to consult the spirit of their dead father and would see the spirit vaguely but would never hear it speak. Sometime their was good fortune ahead for you or even bad fortune.

 This is what people imagined Agbala would look like since no one was allowed to confront him in person. They used a mask to make a design of the features. He was a powerfull "god" because he could see what future held for you and could tell if it was good or bad. He could consult the spirits for you. Once people came out from consulting him, they had great fear because of the power he had.