Yams are a very important food and are symbolic to the people of Umuofia. The yams mean manliness meaning that once you start planting the seeds and harvesting them, then you have to feed the family and have enough for everyone in the family. They represent what kind of man you are and how strong you are. Yams means the King of Crops too. The people of Umuofia even have festivals for this and its called the Festival of Yams. This crop is the most greatful crop and the most food they eat would be yams. This crop is used in everyday life for them. Everyday consist of planting, harvesting, taking care of the crops and so forth. It is very important that they make sure theres enough water, not too much though, enough sunlight, and make sure everything is too their expectations. The yams are very important to their culture. The people will have yams for the family and for the market so they can make some money. In the clan or society they even sell the seeds to each other not only to make money but to help each other and their families out.


 The Kola Nut is one of the most important items to the people of Umuofia. There is a quote that is "He who brings Kola, brings life." When people entered others houses or obi's they had kola nuts and they would take it out and set it on the table. They would argue over who should break it. When you break the Kola Nut, it is an honor and it means that you are praying to the ancestors for life, health, and protection. After they pray, they then eat it. After they have done this, they continue with what they came for. They may just be stopping in to say hi, they may want something, they may even just be stopping in to have a conversation. The Kola Nut symbolizes life to the people of Umuofia.

This is an upcloes shot of a Kola Nut that the people of Umuofia use to represent life.